Some of us lead busy lives and are constantly on the go, from family to work to social life and anything else we may have going on, so it’s understandable when we don’t have time to make our own meals or even our own coffee. But there’s much to be said for finding time to make it all yourself, particularly that cup of joe. Here are three of the many benefits of brewing your cup of coffee at home.
The savings add up. It may just be $3.00, depending on the cafe, but that daily chunk of change can quickly add up to a small fortune, especially when you take tax and tip into account. Specialty coffees can even amount to the price of small meals, making your daily habit an unexpected strain on your bank account. Making your coffee at home may require a small initial investment, but the savings will certainly add up over time.
It’s better for the environment. Let’s face it, between disposable cups, lids, sleeves, and sometimes straws, we’re making a huge amount of waste. When recycling isn’t available nearby, those on-the-go coffees create a considerable amount of garbage that can be avoided by using our mugs at home.
The perfect cup, every time. Nobody knows how you like your coffee quite like you do. How strong, how sweet, with an extra dash of cinnamon or a splash of milk. Regular patrons to cafes and coffee shops may have their order known by staff, but the staff can change, or they can get busy, or may even be having an off day. Making your coffee at home is the best way to ensure a consistent cup, just to your taste.
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